Train Your Dog without Treats

Every training should start with rewards such as toys and / or treats. But at some point we must expect our dogs to listen to us without using a treat or toy as bribery or luring. We call this fading the lure.

In this video I address how to get your dog to listen when we remove the treats. We do this in small stages to be fair to the dog. We still want a reward based training, but we don't want to be locked into the treats for the entire life of the dog.

This lesson is part of my Puppy Series with Max. Be sure to watch all of the other videos in theories lesson deals with Max out Akita puppy learning how to pay attention, focus and listen to us as we remove the treats. It's not difficult to teach this as long as we've set a good basis for training. In fact it's quite simple. just a couple of short stops to get the dog to see the picture clearly that he will listen without the use of treats to lure him along.

If you enjoy this lesson be sure to check out my online dog

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