How to Use an ECOLLAR Correctly

The ecollar, also often referred to as electric collar or SHOCK Collar can be a very effective tool for dog training or it can be an instrument of torture.. it all depends on your understanding of the tool. In this video I work with Rio and Harold. Rio has been wearing his ecollar for (on and off) about a week now, but it's never been turned on. Today we turn the collar on and introduce him to the stimulation.... BUT before I do that, Harold and I do a little session on ourselves.


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► Facebook: Instagram: Subscribe: this short video you'll see all the basics that I describe. The full version as well as numerous other ecollar videos and non-ecollar dog training videos are available on my members only dog training site:

Using an ecollar properly is the ultimate communication tool with your dog. It does not involve shocking, scared or screaming dogs. It truly can be a lifesaver for many dogs. I've used ecollars on countless dogs and opened up a world of freedom, communication and opportunity for them.

#ecollar #e-collar #schockcollar

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