How to Make Your Own Magnet Ball - The Best Dog Training Toy

When it comes to training toys, I will try anything and just about everything. I don't think there's a toy or training tool I haven't tried with my dogs or the countless dogs I've trained. I think the magnet ball system is about the best.

In this video I show you how to make your own magnet ball system. This video features the ball, magnet and rope, I will post another video on the actual magnet system as well as my Team Cabral exclusive vest which I personally designed to be the best magnetic vest system anywhere.


NEVER leave your dog unattended with toys.

ALWAYS use large toys to prevent choking or swallowing.

NEVER let your dog play with magnets

ALWAYS remove damaged toys immediately.

Here are the links to the Chew King balls on also need 2 - 15mm square magnets to go INSIDE the balls (one for each are very limited TEAM CABRAL training vests available, but you can put your name on the list have found that some of the newer vest we received are made with thicker side magnet pockets. I have one of these as well. I found that by adding a second magnet into the pocket, it solves the problem and actually makes it even #dogtrainingtoy #magnetball

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