Dog Training Classes West Bridgford

There are many different punishments for getting your dog to learn the difference between right and wrong, and there are many dog trainers that will tell you that their method is the best way or that a different type of punishment. Whether it be positive or negative punishment, is better than the method you're using now. Dogs need punishment to keep them in order and to teach them what is acceptable and what is not, without some form of punishment there would be no way of showing your dog these things, and no way of training them. There are two types of punishment for your dogs; there are positive punishments and negative punishments. Positive punishments are punishments when you give you do something, for example giving a tug on the leash or verbal correction. Negative punishments are when you take away something your dog needs or expects such as treats or toys or having the dog be taken away from you. I am a strong believer that positive punishments should only be used in moderation or not at all, serious injuries to your dog's safety and health may occur by overusing or incorrectly using positive punishment. There is no dog training exercise in all of the websites that cannot be accomplished by using negative punishment. For dog safety reasons I will only talk about negative punishments and dog punishments that I would use and are fully safe for your dogs. 9 times out of 10 positive punishments cause your dog to react in a similar way towards other people or the owner. If you are going to use positive punishment it is highly recommended that you consult a professional dog trainer before doing so.

I don't know a thing about you but I'll bet that you would agree with me if I say that it is a joy having a puppy around. But sometimes, it is such a hassle keeping pets in your home. You have more responsibility and the worse part of it all is that you have to potty train it. I am sure some of you might just forget about getting pets when you hear that you need to potty train them but let me tell you this, potty training a pet is easiest when they are young. The important thing that you should remember is that timing and routine are important. You need to set up a regular schedule for your little dog. How? Read on to find out more. We shall start by understanding the basics. One thing to note; a new-born is not ready for potty training. The ideal age would be for three months. First Rule: Remember to keep your puppy's meal on a regular schedule. What's the difference between obedience training and sports training (i.e. Schutzhund)? Why do they say you shouldn't train your dog in obedience if you want him to be in Schutzhund? Schutzhund is a dog sport the incorporates an obedience routine, as well as a protection and tracking routine. The obedience exercises are mostly route exercises and are not trained in a street-smart context. As for why you supposedly shouldn't train your dog in obedience if you want him to be in Schutzhund this is a myth. Some macho types will consistently over-correct their dog in the obedience phase and this will kill the drive. But anyone with even a shred of common sense will avoid this predicament. 6. What do you think of raw diets for dogs? Not worth it.
