5 Ways to Improve Your Dogs Place Stay!

You can see the benefit of teaching your dog a place stay and maybe you have just started but it doesn’t seem to be falling into place the way that you would like. What in the world can you do?

I’m going to be answering and demonstrating 5 questions that come up when I’m helping my clients and their dogs improve their place stays.

Here are the questions and I’m putting timestamps so that way you can quickly get to the answer and practical demonstration.

What is the purpose of the place stay?

My response 00:47

How do I end my place training session?

My response 01:09

When should I end my place training session?

My response 01:23

If he puts himself on the bed, should you rearward the dog?

My response 2:15

When is your dog allowed to come off if they put themselves on the bed?

My response 2:27

Do you need more help beyond this video for your dogs' place stay? Hit me up. You can leave a comment below or you can send me a text message to my tip line. That number is (832) 378-8529

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This video is best viewed with the use of a VR headset. Here’s the one I love using- #professionaldogtraining
