Introducing Dog to Baby Dog training techniques - Boundary / Bed training 34 weeks pregnant

A quick training session that any dog or puppy would benefit from - boundary training. In this video, I'm using the bed as the boundary however you could swap the bed for a crate, mat, lounge, doorway etc and in that way this technique also applies to crate training your dog or puppy. By feeding when the dog chooses to go in the bed, we're building value for the bed or whatever surface you're using. To start simply feed for any movement towards the bed and say "yes" or if using a clicker, click the moment the dog does what you're wanting, even if, in the early stages of learning, that's simply looking at the bed.

I also throw food away from the bed; this encourages the dog out of the bed, once I know they will reliably leave the bed to get the food, I add in the cue "break", which signals that the dog is free and no longer needs to remain on the boundary to get fed.

This is a powerful dog training technique as it is useful to have the dog reliably stay on a bed or crate, when guests arrive and for their general safety. Once acquired, this skill, is very useful in a multi dog household, and means you can train multiple dogs at once and they will calmly wait their turn on their boundary. I'm currently 34 weeks pregnant and this skill will be very useful for my dogs and puppies to know; making introducing dog to baby, a much smoother process.

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