How to Potty Train a Puppy in an Apartment | Chewy

Puppy training may seem like a scary task, especially if that puppy is destined to become an apartment dog. No worries, you won’t have to move out of your really cool high rise apartment in order to keep your new best friend. This video will show you how to potty train a puppy in an apartment.

Living in an apartment means that getting your puppy outside takes a while, especially if you live in a cool high rise condo. So part of puppy training your dog in an apartment is to minimize the time it takes to get outside. If you have a small puppy, unless you’re super buff and can carry a large dog down some stairs, you may even have to carry your puppy so that they don’t go potty on the way down. Make sure you take your fur friend out at appropriate intervals for potty training success.

If you have a rad balcony, potty training your puppy in your apartment may be easier. Set up a potty patch on your balcony. It’ll give your puppy a single spot to go, which is an essential part of the puppy potty training process. If you decided to go with a nicer kitchen rather than a balcony when picking out a rad apartment, potty pads are the way to go.

If you’re itching for some more puppy potty training tips, watch the video. We can’t promise that it’ll include a really fancy laser light show, but we can promise puppies. And what’s better than puppies? Nothing at all. So after you’ve watch this video giving you tips on how to potty train a puppy in an apartment, pounce on over to Chewy to shop online for everything your puppy needs.

If you’re obsessed with your dog ๐Ÿถ or love yourself some fluffy kittens ๐Ÿฑ, subscribe to ChewTube ➡️ ⬅️ so you won’t miss out! We’ll show you everything from how to train your puppy, to how to find the best food๐Ÿ—, toys๐ŸŽพ, litter๐Ÿˆ, and treats for dogs and cats (um yes, dog litter is totally a thing). And there’s more–so much more. So subscribe! If you don’t, the puppies will be sad. But happy again because they’re puppies and made of sunshine and rainbows and everything magical. ๐ŸŒˆ

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