Dog Responds to Voiceless Commands Via Vibrating Vest | Nat Geo Wild

Robotics scientists at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev have designed a vibrating vest to communicate with dogs.

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Official Site: researchers aimed to communicate with the dog via small vibration motors triggered by remote control, rather than with verbal or visual commands. Tai, the black lab mix in this video, successfully responded to commands associated with different kinds of vibrations. The researchers see many practical uses for this technology. Vibration commands could be used to guide search-and-rescue dogs who are out of earshot of their handler. And for ordinary pet owners, they could aid communication with deaf dogs, or between people with speech impairments and their canines. Research was non-invasive and painless. Many of the scientists' colleagues have volunteered their own pet dogs for future experiments.

Read more in "Vibrating dog vest may let you 'talk' to your pup without saying a Responds to Voiceless Commands Via Vibrating Vest | Nat Geo Geo Wild
