training German- Puppy Training - Positive Method -German Dog Training Commands -Top Tips

to Train your Dog. Using German dog commands to train your pet can be both effective and fun. You get to practice a foreign language and your dog may be able to pay more attention to words that are only used to address him. German is the most popular foreign language to use for dog commands.

If you train your dog in German , here are the audibles for German Dog Training Commands from the German mouth. It is recommended to train your house pet dog in a different language than the one you communicate to the rest of the family. Thus the dog is never exposed to words that are used , and not meant for him at the time. If a dog is trained in English and English is the language of the household, he will be exposed unintentionally to words that should have meaning to the dog. For example: Peter come here and sit down, I want to talk to you!

Now the dog has heard three words that usually would require a response form him...and nothing really happened. Maybe the dog responded, or he didn't. Either way there should have now been a response from the person that said those words? Training the dog in a different language will prevent the delusion of the signalizing meaning that a dog has been trained for.

What is German dog training called?

How do you say sit in German to a dog?

What is the German command for attack?

How do I train my German shepherd to protect me?

Do dogs understand German better than English?

Do German shepherds bark a lot?

How do you discipline a German shepherd?

Is German shepherds a good family dog?

Do German shepherds run away?

35 German Dog Commands to Train your Dog

German Dog Training Commands

How to Train a Dog with German Commands | Daily Puppy

Schutzhund (German for "protection dog")

German Shepherd Training: 7 Golden Rules - German

The Ultimate Guide to Obedience Training Your German

Dog Training Commands in Several Languages - UWSP
