How to Do a Side Step Lunge | Sexy Butt

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So pretty much, you're going to be moving in this exercise from side to side, staying as low as you possibly can. So you're gonna be almost in a squat position here, pretty much in a squat position. Your knees are aligned with the ankle, the hips go all the way back. You're staying this height the entire time. No bopping up and down.

You stay this height the entire time. You're going to step, step to one side; step, step to one side. So you want to come up slightly in between, but then you want to get even deeper when you step out to the side.

So you want to stay relatively low, but when you come back out into that side step you want to get even deeper. So step, get lower, step, get lower, step, get lower, so you are almost shuffling your feet. From the side I will show you. Make sure again, shoulders are rolled back. When you squat down the butt goes all the way back, hips go all the way back. The weight is targeted in those heels, loaded in the heels. Really focusing on that butt.

So all the way down, step, all the way down, step, all the way down, just like that. And again, this is a really good exercise to get that heart rate going a little bit. It's a little bit more of a cardio exercise. You can do time intervals, so do this for a minute in your little routine. And it's a great way to get that heart rate up, and that fat burning aspect.

So that's how you do side step lunges for a sexy butt.
