Stop Leash Pulling in 5 minutes- Dog Training with America's Canine Educator

We all want to stop leash pulling in 5 minutes. Here is a 2 year old German Shepherd that came intro the Upstate Canine Academy with severe leash pulling issues. This dog is well over 100LBS and drags anyone on the other end of the leash.

As we are all aware this isn't the only way of dog training to stop leash pulling, however its the fastest and most effective way to teach any dog to stop leash pulling in 5 minutes. We have used all techniques of dog training in the past here at the Academy but balanced training has always been the most effective and humane.

This dog again is very unsafe to walk on the leash not only for himself but anybody attached. We have had our own daycare attendant dragged from the back of the building to the front by this dog . Could we use positive reinforcement food training to redirect this behavior and MAYBE get the dog to pay attention to us in a non distractive unrealistic environment? Of course but that would take weeks of training with the owner. Instead we fixed the issue and resolved the pulling problem in less then 10 minutes. If you watch the dogs behavior in the beginning of this video vs the end, you can see a dramatic difference in the relationship of the dog and handler.

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**Remember all training tools and methods should be accompanied by a canine professional! **
