How To Teach Your Dog Cavaletti | Dog Training Nation

Cavaletti courses are fun exercises for all dogs even for those without injuries. It’s a great way to build a dog’s confidence, lengthen her stride, and keep her fit both mentally and physically. Watch the video to learn how to teach your dog a non-skid surface, place cavaletti poles horizontally and flat on the ground. For large dogs, place poles 3 feet apart and, for smaller dogs, 1-2 feet apart. Lure your dog over each pole slowly with a yummy treat.

Cavaletti training teaches dogs to walk over poles and different surfaces placed on the ground. It is a form of exercise that focuses on slow controlled movements. As a dog approaches and steps over each pole, she must lift up each leg carefully to prevent stepping on or bumping the pole.

For more dog cavaletti tips, visit: us for more dog training tips!

