6 Grill Expert Tips | Howdini Hacks

Howdini has great grilling tips to help enjoy your outdoor grill: hate to clean a grill? skewers of your chicken kebabs always burns? grilled burgers are dry? We got you covered with our 6 grill expert tips! More Howdini hacks videos: to Howdini's YouTube channel: a grill with aluminum foil: 0:09

Clean a grill with a sliced onion: 0:25

Check propane level with hot water: 0:35

Stick-free fish grilling: 0:55

Tender grill burgers: 1:11

No-burn kebabs: 1:24

Visit our website: us on Facebook: us on Twitter: with us on Pinterest: Howdini Hacks videos is about outdoor grilling tips from cleaning a grill and gauging propane to cooking the perfect burgers and stick-free grilled fish.
