How to Train a Guard Dog

Watch more Home Security & Safety videos: you've ever wanted your furry friend to become a reliable line of defense, this guide will give you and your family the safety they deserve.


Trained guard dogs are not infallible and can be a liability. Be prepared to accept full responsibility for your pet and understand the risks associated with owning such an animal.

Step 1: Select the best dog

Select a breed that has a calm temperament, good socialization, and will watch your property without being distracted.

Step 2: Practice basic obedience

Practice basic obedience based on trust and mutual respect. Teach your dog to respond to your commands the first time, without hesitation.

Step 3: Educate to respond to strangers

Teach your dog to respond to strangers by barking and alerting a family member. Reward them with a treat or toy.


Only the owner should offer commands and reward with treats.

Step 4: Expose to all family members and friends

Expose your dog to all family members and friends, including young children in the neighborhood.

Step 5: Train your dog to attack

Train your dog to attack clothing and appendages without being lethal when your family or property is threatened.


Post a "Beware of Dog" sign to alert visitors and reduce the danger of an accidental attack.

Step 6: Seek professional help

Invest in years of training. A competent guard dog cannot be trained without years of professional guidance. Do not do this alone.

Did You Know?

Did you know? Unneutered male dogs are responsible for up to 76 percent of reported dog bite incidents and a majority of other types of aggression.
