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Dog Education DVD's Pets On Film

ACC Animal Care College Behaviour & Training Education Associations

Setting National Standards for Dog Behaviourist and Dog Trainers

PETbc publishes news bulletins to keep you abreast of national or government developments in the education courses providers and dog behaviour organisation when pertinent. Members also receive an annual report on PETbc activities.

Promotes your organisation in the UK and abroad

Meet other member organisation heads for discussion, exchange of ideas and networking for member organisations. Make contacts and friends across Europe that can be useful in interpreting attitudes and sharing knowledge.

Our remit is:

•facilitate and support the improvement of pet training.

•to facilitate the education of canine behaviour practitioners.

•to facilitate the education of feline behaviour practitioners.

•facilitate acquisition of knowledge and understanding by pet owners, handlers or ancillary family members.

•support the improvement of pet training through behaviour psychology and ongoing learning.

•facilitate handler and instructor courses that are practical and work-based.

•teach specific pet behavioural knowledge as relevant to species.

•develop practitioners’ educational effectiveness, use of innovative techniques and interpersonal skills.

•promote responsible pet ownership training and pet welfare.

•promote modern training techniques and good practice in client service.

•promote ongoing learning and educational development.

•promote a better understanding between client and service provider, support and conduct scholarly activity in support of educational courses in further and higher education.

•recognise other foundation levels of education in pet care.

•recognise individual associations which promote care, behaviour and training for pets world-wide.
