How to train your dog to crawl!

How to train your dog to crawl! This is the best video on teaching your dog to learn to crawl on command! Dog training can be fun!

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Learning how to train your dog to crawl is pretty fun! Especially if you have an eager dog like we do! This is a Border Collie and Great Pyrenees mix who is extremely intelligent and very willing to learn new skills.

Luckily our dog loves to learn, is very curious, and has little trouble carrying out a new skill or trick once he figures out exactly what you would like him to do. He spends most of his dog life trying to figure out what we want from him! He is soo smart!

We made this video so that you could learn how to train your dog to crawl, watch it now!

We are not expert dog trainers and we can't give professional advice but we can help you teach your dog this ability just from experience. You can see in this video that our animal is an expert himself at crawling, in fact, he is such an expert that he learned to crawl on his belly in one day! After that one day of training he immediately remembered how to carry out the task.

However, not all dogs have the same learning curve and not all dogs have the same physical abilities. But I am sure with some dedication from you part and a handful of treats, a training schedule and some patience you can train your dog to crawl in not time at all!

If you need some tips or advice on how to train your dog to crawl just ask in the comments!
