How to train your dog for grooming time

Like our new FB page for updates, future giveaways & more a short video of how I trained my dog to let me groom her. There's different ways of doing it and each dog has a different personality, but this is what worked for us.

Let me know if this was helpful or if there's anything else in particular you would like to see :)

Also, I encourage you to make videos of what you do with your maltese during grooming time, it could be helpful to others or it could be a way for others to get some ideas. Feel free to post it as a reply :)

Please don't buy puppies from pet stores or BYB (back yard breeders)!!! :( there's more to that than what they let you see.

Where to get a maltese:

#1: go to


#2: Find a reputable breeder through
