Dog Training: Stop Your Dogs from Barking and Jumping on Guests - Thriving Canine

Stop your dogs from jumping and barking on Culp, Certified Dog Trainer, Canine Behavior Specialist and owner of Thriving Canine reviews techniques to work with dogs who bark, jump and become unmanageable when they hear a doorbell. Some dogs jump on guests the minute they come in the door. Chad demonstrates basic as well as advanced training exercise providing suggestions for managing your dog while greeting and entertaining guests.

Dog Training Tips - Episode Highlights:

-How to manage dogs when guests come over (1:40)

-How to manage guests of the dog training exercise (1:58)

-Tether your dog at the door if dog's training isn't advanced (2:44)

-Calmly bring your dog around guests on leash (4:00)

-Praise your dog for a job well done (4:47)

-Allow guests to say hi to the dog now that your dog is calm (4:43)

-Practicing this dog training exercise often - even when alone (5:09)

-Desensitize your dogs to doorbells and door knocking (5:18)


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Certified Dog Trainer and Canine Behavior for Housebreaking Your Puppy Training: 3 Ways to Socialize Your Dog - Thriving Canine

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